Roman Siliqua Silver Coin Found with OKM's PI Detector

Roman Siliqua silver coin (Constantinus III 407-411) found with OKM detector Pulse Nova

العمق: 0.2 m (0.7 ft)
المنطقة: Rome
التصنيف الزمني: 400 AD
الحجم: 1.6 mm | 0.6" (D)

الوزن: 1.55 g | 0.05 oz

Treasure hunters found with the OKM Pulse Nova in 7.8" (20 cm) depth this small Siliqua silver coin from the Roman Imperial period (Constantinus III 407-411). It has a diameter of 16 mm and weighs 1.55 g.

Roman silver coin detected with Pulse Nova
The silver coin shows on one side a head with pearl diadem looking to the right.
Roman silver coin detected with Pulse Nova
On the back side of the silver coin, Victoria is seated with globe and scepter.

Very well preserved coins of this type are currently estimated at a value of about € 2,000.

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