OKM Power Pack 4P

OKM Power Pack 4P
OKM Power Pack 4P
OKM Power Pack 4P
OKM Power Pack 4P

Bu ürün artık üretilmemektedir. Halef ürün olarak OKM Power Pack öneriyoruz.
  • External power supply: For extension of operating time of selected OKM detectors
  • Compact: Lithium Polymer cell with capacity of 4400 to 4900 mAh
  • Compatible with: eXp 3000, eXp 4000, eXp 5000
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Bu ürün artık üretilmemektedir. Halef ürün olarak OKM Power Pack öneriyoruz.

Our metal detecting accessories are compatible with many metal detectors and are used to optimize the measuring process and support the analysis of the targets.

Our completely redesigned Power Pack for OKM metal detecting instruments is a compact external power supply. The Lithium Polymer cell with high capacity of 4400 mAh keeps your metal detector working – even when you are out in the field far away from civilization.

The Power Pack is equipped with a spiral cable and can be recharged very fast. Due to its very light weight, you can take several Power Packs with you during longer stays in open terrain.

The optional car charger allows the Power Pack to be charged via the car’s cigarette lighter.

Standard Scope of Delivery

Detectors which are operated with the external power supply already contain 1 Power Pack. Optionally, further Power Packs can be added to extend the operating time of your metal detector.

This is necessary when the treasure hunter works in remote areas without access to electricity (e.g. archaeological sites or treasure hunting areas, where there is no way to recharge the power supply.

Bu ürün artık üretilmemektedir. Halef ürün olarak OKM Power Pack öneriyoruz.



Askeri Malzeme Tespiti

Doğal Altın Arama

Hazine Avcılığı

Adli Tıp

Kamu Hizmetleri

Patlayıcı Mühimmat İmha Hizmetleri

OKM Arama Hizmetleri

Boşluk Tespiti

Bu ürün artık üretilmemektedir. Halef ürün olarak OKM Power Pack öneriyoruz.

Compatible with OKM detectors:

Power Pack 4 pole (PP12V3A01)


Bu ürün artık üretilmemektedir. Halef ürün olarak OKM Power Pack öneriyoruz.

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