Golden statue found in Afghanistan

Dedektör Rover Deluxe (2003-2009)
Derinlik: 4.5 m (14.8 ft)
Bölge: Afghanistan
Tahmini değer: EUR 730.000,00
Başlangıç zamanı: Persian Empire (400 BC)
This golden statue has been found with metal detector Rover Deluxe in Afghanistan. The item has been located inside a cavity together with some small pieces of metal in a depth of 4 to 5 meters under the ground.

The lucky finder wrote us:
"It is a power symbol of Persian Empires in old time. There was a broker in near us he said it is about 2000 years old. And offer to buy it for about 800000$ but I think it may be more worth than that. Also some information is written under it. But I don't know which alphabet is used. You can zoom on photo and see it."
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