
Mayıs 14, 2020
OKM Glossary

Galleries and corridors – whether with arcades, surrounding an inner courtyard or connecting several rooms – provide an indication of the discovered type of building. The conclusion - if it is a church a castle or perhaps a theater - allows further suggestions about the position of interesting rooms such as burial chambers and treasure troves.

Mayıs 14, 2020

Cavity Detection

Experience adventure, fascination and history: Cavity Detection with the appropriate detector goes beyond treasure hunting. Discover lost places and hidden ...

Mayıs 14, 2020


Catacombs and underground cemeteries are subterranean galleries with recesses for tombs that can be found in ancient Rome and Jerusalem.

Knights Templar Treasure Hunt: Archaeological Expedition to Poland
Haziran 01, 2022

Tapınak Şövalyeleri Hazine Avı: Polonya'ya Arkeolojik Keşif Gezisi

OKM, Tapınak Şövalyeleri'nin mezarları için kilisenin yakınında ve içinde yeraltını araştırmak üzere Polonya'ya yapılan bir keşif gezisini takip etti. Yer ...

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