GeoSeeker Tutorial - Complete Instruction Video

18 مايو 2015
YouTube Video

This complete instruction video consists of seven chapters to explain the usage of the geoelectrical water and cavity detector GeoSeeker by OKM. Even after watching this video, we recommend to read the user's manual as well.

Chapter 1: Delivery Scope

In this part of the video tutorial you will learn about the package contents of GeoSeeker. You will get a complete overview of each single part of equipment and what it is good for.

Chapter 2: Assembly & Charging

In this part of the video tutorial you will learn about preparing your equipment and charging the batteries for your geoelectrical device.

Chapter 3: WiFi Connection

In this part of the video tutorial you will learn about establishing a WiFi connection between your Android Tablet PC and your geoelectrical water and cavity detector GeoSeeker. The WiFi connection is necessary to transfer resistivity data of the underground from your detector to the Tablet PC.

Chapter 4: Application Setup

In this part of the video tutorial you will learn about setting up your Android application for a measurement. It explaines all important settings concerning field dimensions and depth adjustments in preparation of your ground resistivity measurement.

Chapter 5: Prepare Scan Field

In this part of the video tutorial you will learn about preparing your scan field for a new resistivity measurement with GeoSeeker. You get information concerning the preparation of your first scan point and how to place your electrodes into the ground.

Chapter 6: Measurement

In this part of the video tutorial you will learn about conducting your geoelectrical measurement to find potential places of underground water and cavity. It explaines how to place your detector and electrodes throughout the scanning process.

Chapter 7: Data Analysis

In this part of the video tutorial you will learn about analyzing your measured resistivity data to conclude on underground water deposits, groundwater or hidden cavities and caves.

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