Artifacts Detected with Ground Scanner eXp 5000

Artifacts Detected with Ground Scanner eXp 5000

تم اكتشافها مع eXp 5000 (2005-2015)
المنطقة: Lebanon
التصنيف الزمني: 17th - 18th century
الحجم: 15 - 25 cm | 5.9" - 9.8" (H)

Those antique objects have been found by a treasure hunter in Lebanon with the OKM ground scanner eXp 5000. This historical find contained different miniature statues of a size of 15 to 25 cm, as well as several coins and rings with inscription. These artifacts are probably from the 17th or 18th century. At this time the today's Lebanon still belonged to the former Ottoman Empire. Elaborations are not known.

Artifacts Lebanon 01 W0 I342
Historic artifacts has been detected with eXp 5000 ground scanner.
Artifacts Lebanon 02 W0 I343 
Among the finds were several ancient coins.
Artifacts Lebanon 03 W0 I344 
Artifacts Lebanon 04 W0 I345 
Artifacts Lebanon 05 W0 I346 

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